for Horses & Riders
Meet The Practitioner

Certified Level 3 EFT  Practitioner

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"Mardi had suffered a freight in his training and was brought to me to try to repair. I asked Margaret if she could help. With only two sessions, Mardi completely turned around...

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“Fitness is an ideal which we strive toward daily; physical, fiscal, professional. Emotional fitness has been added to my list since my introduction to EFT. I have become aware of emotional ghosts which have stalked me for years and who I thought I had successfully shunned. Margaret helped me to face these dark and dusty corners in my emotional life and I am now feeling empowered in the face of emotional challenges instead of being held captive by fear and isolation. I am truly grateful and anticipate a future of learning and not one of personal conflict avoidance. Emotional fitness has become a priority for me which I strive toward. Thank you!”

Michele MacRae

“My name is Garry Roque, I am a Canadian Three Day Event Olympic Team member. I have been training horses for the past 35 years.

I would like to share my experience with Margaret Godson as a EFT practitioner. Last summer I had a well bred show pony in to train ‘Mardi’. Mardi had suffered a freight in his training and was brought to me to try to repair. Mardi was training well but continually having set backs due to his attitude. I asked Margaret if she could help. With only two sessions Mardi completely turned around and went from a scared grumpy pony to one that was as special as he could be and was even ride-able by a young twelve year old girl. I think that Ms. Godson has a real gift. I have since asked her to work on other horses with similar outcomes and recommend her to anyone that is having issues with their horses.”

Garry Roque